What’s the importance with Antioxidants?

A brief article on how antioxidant such as polyphenols in olive oil help out body neutralize cell damaging free radicals #polyphenols #freeradicals #antioxidants www.evoocalifornia.wordpress.com

Why are antioxidants/polyphenols so important?


There is tons of information all around us about the amount of Antioxidants found in certain foods. And to be honest. I know they are good for your body. But I don’t know how they specifically help our bodies.

So I did a little research to understand why these are such a big deal. Antioxidants are compounds made by our bodies and found in food that minimize oxidation. Antioxidants are a mop up crew that clean up the villains that cause oxidation. These villains are called free radicals. Free radicals can harm our cells and body. They will damage fat, DNA, and protein cells. A free radical is a cell that is missing a paired electron. It’s missing a part of its cell structure , i.e. an electron. So it will pilfer an electron from healthy cells. And in turn damage the healthy cell. Cells lose electrons naturally. But through pollution, smoking, and alcohol, etc..an inbalance of free radicals will exists in our bodies.

Our bodies naturally use free radicals to fight infections etc., but our bodies cannot have too many free radicals. If we have too many or an imbalance of free radicals, it is called oxidative stress (OS). OS is when free radicals attack healthy cells. Smoking, alcohol, environmental pollution, etc., all create excess amounts of free radicals i.e. OS. Plus, as we age it is harder for our bodies to fight the effects of free radicals and or oxidative stress. Examples of this would be the harding of the arteries or arthritic inflammation (Radhakrishnan, R).

Here is where antioxidants step in. Even though our bodies create antioxidants, food sources are important sources of antioxidants to keep free radicals in balance, especially as we age or if we are under a great deal of environmental stress. Antioxidants help neutralize or mop up free radicals so they can’t damage our cells. Remember the electron that the free radical is missing? Well, the antioxidant lends an electron to the free radical so it becomes calm or neutralized. First, it stops the free radical from damaging healthy cells . Second, it does it without becoming a free radical itself. It’s a match made in heaven. Now what type of antioxidants are there or are they all the same?

If you look on product labels you may see polyphenol count for a specific food. Polyphenols are a form or kind of antioxidant. There are many types of polyphenols. Flavonoids like quercetin and catechins in fruits and capsaicinoids in chili peppers. Also, polyphenols may have a wider range of benefits such as activating our immune system against infection and anti inflammatory properties. . In the article, Antioxidants Explained in Simple Terms, “Oleocanthal in extra virgin olive oil. These substances function as antioxidants but also have potent anti-inflammatory activity.” Extra virgin olive oil is not only mopping up or neutralizing free radicals in the body, but also reducing inflammation. There are many foods that have ability to neutralize free radicals and other health related properties.

Olives are not the only food source with polyphenols. Berries, coffee and tea, cocoa & nuts, etc., are foods with high concentrations of polyphenols. For antioxidants to be effective as the ones in olive oil, it must be extra virgin olive oil meaning that it must be pressed without heat or chemicals to extract the olive juice. In other words “cold pressing” olives is a must because the antioxidant polyphenols will be degraded by heat and chemical treatments. Heating and using chemicals on foods degrades the effects of antioxidants.


Schroeder, Amanda. Free Radicals and Antioxidants: A Love Story.

Wilson, Debra r. “How Do Free Radicals Affect the Body?” Medical News Today, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318652.

Mikstas, Christine. “Healthy Foods High in Polyphenols.” Logo for Nourish by WebMD, 22 Nov. 2022, https://www.webmd.com/diet/foods-high-in-polyphenols.

Arnarson, Atli. “Antioxidants Explained in Simple Terms.” Healthline, 29 July 2019, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/antioxidants-explained.

Radhakrishnan, R. (2023). What Happens in Oxidation? MedicineNet. Retrieved from https://www.medicinenet.com/what_happens_in_oxidation/article.htm

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